Category: Build Blogs

Website is Back up!

CNC Guitar Website is Back Up!

Hi all,

You might have noticed that the site was down for a couple of days. I am in the North East, and Hurricane Isaias wrecked HAVOC! Hundreds of thousands (including myself) were left without power. I guess another thing we had to deal with, on top of all the craziness that has been 2020 so far…(I guess the swarms of locusts are next). Anyway, all is back to normal, and sire is back up. Thank you all for your continued support, and as always, I would love to see your CNC machines carving out those instruments! Please feel free to reach out, should any of you have any questions!

Fusion 360 Machining of a ’62 Stratocaster

Fusion 360 Machining of a '62 Stratocaster

Here is a short video of my CNC machine cutting out the neck, fretboard, and body of a ’62 strat I am in the process of building.  As can been seen, the entire guitar was modeled in Fusion 360, and then the machine tool paths were also created in Fusion 360.  The G-code was then exported into Mach3, and the CNC machine did the rest.  Please let me know if I can answer any questions.

I used one of my all-time favorite songs as the background to this video, and I hope you enjoy it, especially in these crazy times we are all living in now.

Fusion 360 Cutting Curved Bottom Fret Slots

Fusion 360 Curved Bottom Fret Slots

As I have been getting questions from folks, I decided to do a short video on how I approach the task of cutting curved bottom Fret Slots.  Have a look, and please let me know if I can clarify anything further.